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How to Backup Planning Application Cloud Service (PBCS)

Oracle Backup Policy

Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud creates the snapshot by backing up artifacts of all service components and Essbase data present in your service instance during the maintenance window. Because Oracle stores only the snapshots created in the most recent maintenance window, the artifacts and data available for restoration depend on their state during the last maintenance window.”

If you have requirement to keep more than one day’s worth of backup, you might want to consider the following script to download an LCM export to local disks.

Oracle PBCS offer EPM Automate utility for automating import/export tasks during a maintenance window. This command line tool allows administrators to import/export Snapshots of Planning applications that contains all the necessary artifacts for a successful restore of the application.

Below is an example of DOS code using EPM Automate utility if you need something handy to execute and download an Artifact Snapshot on a regular basis. This will enable backup scripts to run as scheduled nightly jobs, which will create and download Snapshots of the PBCS application to a server in your corporate data center.

EPM Automate commands:

Password Encryption

Security is one of our top priorities when developing scripts with user accounts information. It is recommended to encrypt user ID and password when scripting is required in order to meet security standards. On PBCS, Oracle has provided developers with the following solution:

epmautomate encrypt PASSWORD KEY PASSWORD_FILE

NOTE: PASSWORD is the password of the Service Administrator in the service. You cannot use corporate credentials with the EPM Automate Utility”

Artifact SnapShot

Oracle cloud services creates a new snapshot every night, but it is recommended to create a new snapshot before running the backup script. This code will generate a fresh copy of “Artifact Snapshot” export that can be schedule via windows task scheduler.

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“call epmautomate exportsnapshot “Artifact SnapShot””


Downloads a file from a service instance to the local computer

call epmautomate downloadfile “Artifact SnapShot”



@echo on
REM ====================================================================
REM Executes the renaming of the Artifact Snapshot in Application Management
REM ====================================================================
REM All Session Variable are set in the GlobalV.cmd script
REM Author Eddie Cisneros, Perficient, Inc.
REM Description: Executes an PBCS download of Daily SnapShot
REM Modified Date: 04/10/2017
REM ===================================================================

REM Session Variable
call C:\Oracle\BackupScript\SupportNet\Bin\GlobalV.cmd

REM Login to source PBCS environment instance and initiate session
cd %UtilDir%
call epmautomate login %UserID% %Password_File% %URL% %Domain%

REM Repeats a previously performed export operation to create a snapshot of migration content
call epmautomate exportsnapshot “Artifact SnapShot”

REM Downloads a file from a service instance to the local computer
call epmautomate downloadfile “Artifact SnapShot”
call epmautomate logout

REM Delete archives older than the retention period.
forfiles -p “%Archive_Path%” -s -m *.* -d -%Retention_days% -c “cmd /c del @path”
REM Moving file from TEMP location to archive folder
move /y %File_location%\*.zip %Archive_Path%\

@echo on
REM Set Global Variables Involved
Set UtilDir=”C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin”
Set URL=
Set Domain=Domain
Set UserID=Service Administrator (User ID)
Set Password_File= C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\SecureDir\SecureDir.epw
Set Archive_Path=”C:\Oracle\BackupScript\SupportNet\Backups\Archive”
Set backup_log=”C:\Oracle\SupportNet\Backups\test.log”
Set File_location=”C:\Oracle\EPM Automate\bin”

REM Maintain 7 rolling days of logs
set Retention_days=7
Set Datestamp=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%




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Eddie Cisneros, Lead Technical Consultant

Technology and business visionary with 15+ year leading the design, development and implementation of Enterprise Performance Management System solutions. Strong record of success in resolving client issues with Hyperion Products proven ability to bring the benefits of IT to solve business issues while delivering application, infrastructure, costs and risks. Provide strategic direction to senior leadership on technology. Led innovation project for infrastructure delivery to improve the delivery Enterprise Performance Management Solution.

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