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Posts Tagged ‘template’

Less is More: Write Clean Elegant Codes in AEM

A clean, elegant code base goes a long way. It helps developers read and modify the code, sets a good foundation for future development, reduces technical debts and maintenance overhead, makes code easier to unit test, follows best practices, and much more. This still holds true in the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) world. However, many […]

Static or Editable Template? An In-Depth Comparison and Guide

In CMS world, Template, or Page Template is the base of the page user creates, it defines high level structure, basic functionality and sets the tone of look and feel. In Adobe AEM, the template concept is widely used across different products. There are templates for pages, forms, content fragments, experience fragments and assets. I […]

Azure ARM Template: Import and Export Templates from Portal

The feature support for Azure Resource Manager and ARM Templates has been a little light since it’s initial release. This is something that is slowly changing, however, an update to the Azure Portal released this week helps move ARM Template support forward in a big way. This new feature is the ability to Export any […]

Azure ARM Template: Create Service Bus Topic with Subscription

The previous article in this series covered how to setup an Azure Resource Group project with ARM Template that creates an Azure Service Bus Namespace. This article build upon the previous, to create an Azure Service Bus Topic with a Subscription to catch all messages. Instead of starting from scratch, this article builds on the […]

Azure ARM Template: Define Web App Application Settings

The previous article in this series covered how to define database Connection Strings for an App Service Web App within an ARM Template. This article will continue to build on the foundation of deploying a Web App using an ARM Template by exploring how to define Application Settings (aka appSettings) for an App Service Web […]

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An unhandled Microsoft .Net Framework exception occurred in w3wp.exe

“Unhandled exception” is not something that makes people happy. If this exception suddenly appears and crashes your beautiful Sitecore site, first you probably feel surprise, then fear and finally panic. If you are reading this article, I assume you are done with the first part and now want to know how to fix it.

Azure ARM Template: Define Web App Connection Strings

Previous articles covered what Azure Resource Manager is, along with how to setup an Azure Resource Group project within Visual Studio 2015 to deploy an ASP.NET Web Application to Azure as an App Service Web App. Being able to deploy an application to Azure is just the first step. In order to really use ARM […]

Deploy Azure Web App using ARM Template from Visual Studio 2015

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the new set of APIs for deploying and managing Microsoft Azure services. A previous article in this series defines what Azure Resource Manager (ARM) means for Developers, IT Pros and DevOps. This article will dive into the details of using Azure Resource Manager, ARM Templates, Visual Studio 2015, and the Azure SDK to […]

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To branch or not to branch? Part II

In my previous post we talked about the major purpose for which the branch templates were originally invented: create different kinds of hierarchies in one click. We covered one of the cases: page hierarchy. Now let’s have a look at another case. Renderings Hierarchy (Case II) Another type of the hierarchy that is often created […]


To branch or not to branch? Part I

Once a upon a time we were creating a website using Sitecore. We met in the conference room and started pretty peacefully. We were peaceful when were discussing how many page types we would need, we were still peaceful when we were talking what rendering we would have on each page type, and then… Someone […]