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Life Sciences

How To Override The Default “Primary User” In Siebel

By default, Siebel out-of-the-box does not allow you to change the Primary Flag in MVG applets. This includes Clinical Site, Accounts, Protocols, etc.

Here is an example:

On the Site Management screen, press the icon for the Team MVG:

This opens the Pick Team MVG Applet. Note that the Primary Flag field is read-only.

Now, in Siebel Tools, for the relevant business component, add this user property:

MVG Set Primary Restricted: Position with the value of FALSE. Note that, in this instance, Position is the name of the multi-valued link on the Clinical Protocol Site business component.

Now, after compiling this business component, you are able to change the primary user:

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Rene Schmidt

With 20 years of life sciences experience and 10 of working with Siebel, Rene is a Lead Technical consultant @ Perficient. Originally from Montreal, PQ, Rene now resides in Augusta, GA.

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