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5 Fatal Tech Resume Flaws

The resume is usually the first impression that a company has of a candidate and if the resume is poorly written it’s probably the final impression as well. Before hitting the “submit” button on your resume, make sure you’ve fixed these flaws.
5 Fatal Tech Resume FlawsFlawUsing Multiple Fonts. There are few things that look stranger than using more than one font. In some cases a single word can be changed by mistake.
Fix – Highlight the whole document and select your font.
FlawIrrelevant Information. Including irrelevant information about technologies that were hot ten years ago add to the length of a resume and distract from the quality content that can lead to an interview.
Fix – Use the “Backstreet Boy Test” to determine if the technology is relevant.  The test is fairly easy to perform… If the technology was popular during the Backstreet Boys feel free to exclude it from your resume.
FlawNot Including Volunteer or Pet Projects. Premier tech companies are looking for candidates who embrace technology in many aspects of their life. Excluding “outside of work” activities can lead a hiring manager to believe that technology is more of a job than a passion.
Fix – Include a section towards the end of the resume that includes side projects and volunteer work, especially as it pertains to technology.
FlawEnding a resume with “References Available Upon Request”. Organizations assume candidates have references that they will be able to contact. Adding this line to a resume adds no value and occupies precious real estate.
Fix – End your resume with a quote from one of your references about your performance.
FlawIncorrect Grammar. The vast majority of technical positions require a high level of attention to detail. Submitting a resume that includes spelling and punctuation errors could cost a qualified candidate an opportunity to interview.
Fix – Have a third party review a resume before submission. A fresh set of eyes can uncover errors that often go unnoticed by the author.
Do you know of any additional fatal flaws that should be eliminated from tech resumes?  Let us know in the comment section below.

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Eric Osterman

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