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Digital Transformation

Forrester Digital Transformation Conference Themes

I’m at the two day Forrester Digital Transformation Conference in Chicago.  It’s been a great conference so far and validates much of what we at Perficient have been seeing when it comes to Digital Transformation.  Before blogging about individual topics, I thought I’d hit what I see as some of the key themes in the main sessions yesterday.  I think that’s important because it’s those key themes which begin to tell the overall story of Digital Transformation and how you should be approaching it.

  1. Digital Transformation is business transformation.  In other words, you can’t achieve this transformation without looking at and addressing your entire business.
  2. You have to focus on the customer.  That “outside in” approach will get you results
  3. You can’t transform alone.  There’s too much to do and competitors are nipping at your heals.  Find partners in non-core activities to move you forward faster
  4. It’s about innovation or change.  At least 4 separate speakers used slight different forms to address this.  They used comments like, “Change the game”, “Address the unknown unkowns”, and “Innovation through disruption”
  5. Speed is important. You need to address cultural and other challenges that get in the way of the speed of your transformation
  6. Technology advances like AI cannot be dismissed.  They bring huge promise to your business and potential challenges from competitors.

I love the main points because they jive with what we are discussing with customers. Our most successful engagements are ones where the business focuses on changes to their business and the wrapping of strategy across all channels.  They are also the ones where we and our clients think outside the box when addressing the plan for transformation.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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