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Posts Tagged ‘Apache’

Apache Spark: Merging and Renaming Files

Apache Spark: Merging Files using Databricks

In data engineering and analytics workflows, merging files emerges as a common task when managing large datasets distributed across multiple files. Databricks, furnishing a powerful platform for processing big data, prominently employs Scala. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how to merge files efficiently using Scala on Databricks. Introduction: Merging files entails combining the […]

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Spark Scala: Approaches toward creating Dataframe

In Spark with Scala, creating DataFrames is fundamental for data manipulation and analysis. There are several approaches for creating DataFrames, each offering its unique advantages. You can create DataFrames from various data sources like CSV, JSON, or even from existing RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). In this blog we will see some approaches towards creating dataframe […]

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Mastering the AEM Dispatcher Part 2: Case Insensitive URLs

In this second post in my series, Mastering the AEM Dispatcher. In this post, we’ll discuss how to support case-insensitive URLs in the AEM Dispatcher running on Apache httpd. For customers coming from websites hosted on case-insensitive web servers, such as Microsoft IIS, moving to Apache can be a challenge. In a case-insensitive web server, the URL […]

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Mastering the AEM Dispatcher Part 1: Debugging the Dispatcher

Loch Ness, the Bermuda Triangle, and the AEM Dispatcher; three great mysteries of our time! Despite playing a critical role in Adobe project, the AEM Dispatcher is a black box. In this series of blog posts, I’ll tear back the veil concealing the AEM Dispatcher and help you master this essential tool! In this first post, we’ll discuss how to […]

Using MuleSoft for File Transfer from Message Queue to Target Directories on Local/Remote Machines

This is a high-level technical walk-through on how we can leverage the out-of-box connectors to write a logic for file transfer using Java messaging Service. Assumption: -Developer knows basic coding techniques in MuleSoft workspace – Developer knows about JMS and the queues/ topics messaging model 1. Pre-Config Requirements: a. Make sure to have java version […]

A little stuffed animal called Hadoop

Doug Cutting – Hadoop creator – is reported to have explained how the name for his Big Data technology came about: “The name my kid gave a stuffed yellow elephant. Short, relatively easy to spell and pronounce, meaningless, and not used elsewhere: those are my naming criteria.” The term, of course, evolved over time and […]

Strengthen Company Culture with Yammer enhanced by HDInsight

In a world of broadband internet connections, online collaboration tools and the ability to work from almost anywhere – office culture can be difficult to sustain.  This especially holds true for people who live in large cities (where the commute can be problematic) or in harsh climates (like the never ending winter in Chicago this […]

Setting up a Recommendation Engine (Mahout) on Windows Azure

A Brief Background In my previous posts I have walked through setting up Hadoop on Windows Azure using HDInsight.  Hadoop is an extremely powerful distributed computing platform with the ability to process terabytes of data.  Many of the situations when you hear the term “Big Data”, Hadoop is the enabler.  One of the complications with […]