Software Articles / Blogs / Perficient Expert Digital Insights Tue, 12 Nov 2024 16:32:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Articles / Blogs / Perficient 32 32 30508587 Best Practices for Structuring Redux Applications Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:32:25 +0000

Redux has become a staple in state management for React applications, providing a predictable state container that makes it easier to manage your application’s state. However, as applications grow in size and complexity, adopting best practices for structuring your Redux code becomes crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore these best practices and demonstrate how to implement them with code examples.

1. Organize Your Code Around Features

One key principle in Redux application structure is organizing code around features. Each feature should have its own set of actions, reducers, and components, which facilitates codebase maintenance and comprehension.

folder Structure


2. Normalize Your State Shape

Consider normalizing your state shape, especially when dealing with relational data. This entails structuring your state to reduce the number of nested structures, which will increase its efficiency and manageability.

//Normalized state shape
  entities: {
    users: {
      "1": { id: 1, name: 'Johnny Doe' },
      "2": { id: 2, name: 'Jennifer Doe' }
    posts: {
      "101": { id: 101, userId: 1, title: 'Post 1' },
      "102": { id: 102, userId: 2, title: 'Post 2' }
  result: [101, 102]

3. Middleware for Side Effects

Use middleware to manage asynchronous activities and side effects, such as redux-thunk or redux-saga. This keeps your reducers pure and moves complex logic outside of them.

// Using redux-thunk
const fetchUser = (userId) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
try {
const response = await api.fetchUser(userId);
} catch (error) {

4. Selectors for Efficient State Access

Functions known as selectors contain the logic needed to retrieve Redux state slices. Use selectors to efficiently access and compute derived state.

// Selectors
export const selectAllUsers = (state) => Object.values(state.entities.users);
export const getUserById = (state, userId) => state.entities.users[userId];

5. Testing Your Redux Code

Write tests for your actions, reducers, and selectors. Tools like Jest and Enzyme can be invaluable for testing Redux code.

// Example Jest Test
test('should handle FETCH_USER_SUCCESS', () => {
const prevState = { ...initialState };
const action = { type: FETCH_USER_SUCCESS, payload: mockData };
const newState = userReducer(prevState, action);
data: mockData,
error: null,
loading: false,



Adhering to these best practices can ensure a more maintainable and scalable Redux architecture for your React applications. Remember, keeping your code organized, predictable, and efficient is key.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to Extracting Workflow Details for PC-IDMC Migration Without a PC Database Fri, 08 Nov 2024 06:29:05 +0000

In the PC-IDMC conversion process, it can be challenging to gather detailed information about workflows. Specifically, we often need to determine:

  • The number of transformations used in each mapping.
  • The number of sessions utilized within the workflow.
  • Whether any parameters or variables are being employed in the mappings.
  • The count of reusable versus non-reusable sessions used in the workflow etc.

To obtain these details, we currently have to open each workflow individually, which is time-consuming. Alternatively, we could use complex queries to extract this information from the PowerCenter metadata in the database tables.

This section focuses on XQuery, a versatile language designed for querying and extracting information from XML files. When workflows are exported from the PowerCenter repository or Workflow Manager, the data is generated in XML format. By employing XQuery, we can effectively retrieve the specific details and data associated with the workflow from this XML file.

Step-by-Step Guide to Extracting Workflow Details Using XQuery: –

For instance, if the requirement is to retrieve all reusable and non-reusable sessions for a particular workflow or a set of workflows, we can utilize XQuery to extract this data efficiently.

Step 1:
Begin by exporting the workflows from either the PowerCenter Repository Manager or the Workflow Manager. You have the option to export multiple workflows together as one XML file, or you can export a single workflow and save it as an individual XML file.

Step 1 Pc Xml Files

Step 2:-
Develop the XQuery based on our specific requirements. In this case, we need to fetch all the reusable and non-reusable sessions from the workflows.

let $header := "Folder_Name,Workflow_Name,Session_Name,Mapping_Name"
let $dt := (let $data := 
    let $fn:= data($f/@NAME)
        for $w in $f/WORKFLOW
        let $wn:= data($w/@NAME)
            for $s in $w/SESSION
            let $sn:= data($s/@NAME)
            let $mn:= data($s/@MAPPINGNAME)
                        $fn ,
                        "," ,
                        $wn ,
                        "," ,
                        $sn ,
                        "," ,
    let $fn:= data($f/@NAME)
        for $s in $f/SESSION
        let $sn:= data($s/@NAME)
        let $mn:= data($s/@MAPPINGNAME)
            for $w in $f/WORKFLOW
            let $wn:= data($w/@NAME)
            let $wtn:= data($w/TASKINSTANCE/@TASKNAME)
            where $sn = $wtn
                        $fn ,
                        "," ,
                        $wn ,
                        "," ,
                        $sn ,
                        "," ,
       for $test in $data
            replace($test/text()," ",""))
 string-join(($header,$dt), "

Step 3:
Select the necessary third-party tools to execute the XQuery or opt for online tools if preferred. For example, you can use BaseX, Altova XMLSpy, and others. In this instance, we are using Basex, which is an open-source tool.

Create a database in Basex to run the XQuery.

Step 3 Create Basex Db

Step 4: Enter the created XQuery into the third-party tool or online tool to run it and retrieve the results.

Step 4 Execute XqueryStep 5:
Export the results in the necessary file extensions.

Step 5 Export The Output

These simple techniques allow you to extract workflow details effectively, aiding in the planning and early detection of complex manual conversion workflows. Many queries exist to fetch different kinds of data. If you need more XQueries, just leave a comment below!

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Using PyTest with Selenium for Efficient Test Automation Mon, 04 Nov 2024 06:47:49 +0000

In our previous post, we explored the basics of Selenium with Python, covering the introduction, some pros and cons, and a basic program to get you started. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into the world of test automation by integrating Selenium with PyTest, a popular testing framework in Python. PyTest makes it easier to write simple and scalable test cases, which is crucial for maintaining a robust test suite.


What is PyTest?

PyTest is a testing framework that allows you to write simple yet scalable test cases. It is widely used due to its easy syntax, powerful features, and rich plugin architecture. PyTest can run tests, handle setup and teardown, and integrate with various other tools and libraries.

Why Use PyTest with Selenium?

  • Readable and Maintainable Tests: PyTest’s syntax is clean and concise, making tests easier to read and maintain.
  • Powerful Assertions: PyTest provides powerful assertion introspection, which gives more detailed error messages.
  • Fixtures: PyTest fixtures help in setting up preconditions for your tests and can be reused across multiple test functions.
  • Extensible: PyTest’s plugin architecture allows for easy extension and customization of test runs.

Setting Up PyTest with Selenium


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python (>= 3.6)
  • Selenium (pip install selenium)
  • PyTest (pip install pytest)

You also need a WebDriver for the browser you intend to automate. For instance, ChromeDriver for Google Chrome.

Basic Test Setup

  • Project Structure

Create a directory structure for your test project:


  • Writing Your First Test

In the file, write a simple test case:

This simple test opens Google and checks if the page title contains “Google”.


  • Using PyTest Fixtures

Fixtures in PyTest are used to manage setup and teardown. Create a fixture in the file:


Now, update the test to use this fixture:


This approach ensures that the WebDriver setup and teardown are handled cleanly.

  • Running Your Tests

To run your tests, navigate to the project directory and use the following command:


PyTest will discover and run all the test functions prefixed with test_.

Advanced Usage

  • Parameterized Tests

You can run a test with different sets of data using @pytest.mark.parametrize:


  • Custom PyTest Plugins

Extend PyTest functionalities by writing custom plugins. For example, you can create a plugin to generate HTML reports or integrate with CI/CD tools.

  • Headless Browser Testing

Run tests in headless mode to speed up execution:



Integrating PyTest with Selenium not only enhances the readability and maintainability of your tests but also provides powerful features to handle complex test scenarios. By using fixtures, parameterization, and other advanced features, you can build a robust and scalable test suite.

In the next post, we will explore the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern, which is a crucial technique for managing large test suites efficiently.


]]> 0 370819
Selector Layer in Apex: Enhancing Salesforce Access Tue, 29 Oct 2024 04:46:32 +0000

What is the Selector Layer?

The Selector Layer in Apex is a design pattern that acts as an intermediary between your application logic and various data sources, such as Salesforce objects or external systems. It encapsulates data access logic, promoting modularity, maintainability, and testability within your codebase.

When to Create a New Selector Layer Class

Consider creating a new Selector Layer class in the following scenarios:

  1. Complex Data Retrieval: For intricate queries or data retrieval logic that shouldn’t be embedded within business logic or controllers.
  2. Reusability: If multiple parts of your application need the same data retrieval logic, encapsulating it in a Selector Layer allows for efficient reuse.
  3. Separation of Concerns: Adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle helps keep data access logic distinct from business logic.
  4. Testing: Facilitates the creation of mock implementations or simplifies testing data retrieval without coupling it to business logic.
  5. Performance Optimization: Centralizes and streamlines queries, reducing redundant code and enhancing performance.

Selector Layer Naming Conventions

Consistent naming conventions for Selector Layer in Apex classes improve readability and organization. Here are some suggestions:

  • Prefix with ‘Selector’: Start class names with “Selector,” such as AccountSelector or ContactSelector.
  • Use Descriptive Names: Ensure class names reflect the data they select, e.g., OpportunitySelector.
  • Optional Suffixes: You might add ‘Layer’ or ‘Service’ for clarity, e.g., OpportunitySelectorLayer.
  • Consistent Case: Use CamelCase or PascalCase consistently for better readability, e.g., OrderSelector.

Selector Layer Security

When implementing the Selector Layer in Apex, consider these security practices:

    • Field-Level Security: Respect users’ field-level security settings and avoid exposing sensitive data.
    • Object-Level Security: Verify user permissions for queried objects using the with sharing keyword in Apex classes.
    • SOQL Injection Prevention: Always use bind variables in SOQL queries to mitigate SQL injection risks.
    • Data Privacy: Implement checks to ensure that only authorized data is retrieved.
    • Governance Limits: Be aware of Salesforce governor limits to prevent performance issues.

Selector Layer

Implementing the Selector Layer

Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing the Selector Layer in Apex:

  1. Define the Class: Create a new Apex class named according to your naming conventions, e.g., AccountSelector.
  2. Add Data Retrieval Methods: Implement methods encapsulating your SOQL queries.
  3. Encapsulate Business Logic: Ensure the Selector Layer is focused solely on data retrieval.
  4. Implement Error Handling: Add exception handling and logging within the Selector Layer.
  5. Test Your Selector Layer in Apex: Write tests to ensure methods work as expected, covering different scenarios.
  6. Integrate with Business Logic: Use your Selector Layer methods within controllers or services to retrieve data as needed.


public class AccountSelector {
      public static List<Account> fetchAccountsByStatus(String statusValue) {
       return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Status__c = :statusValue];

By following these practices, you can create a robust Selector Layer that enhances your Salesforce application’s architecture and maintainability.


  1. Salesforce Apex Developer Guide
  2. SOQL and SOSL Reference
  3. Salesforce Security Best Practices
  4. Salesforce Trailhead Modules



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Custom Salesforce Path LWC Tue, 29 Oct 2024 04:46:13 +0000

Creating a seamless and intuitive user experience is crucial for any application. In Salesforce, a great way to guide users through different stages of a process is by using progress indicators. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to build a Custom Salesforce Path using the lightning-progress-indicator component in Lightning Web Components (LWC). This example will focus on a user details form, demonstrating how to navigate between sections with a clear visual indicator.


The Salesforce Path Assistant displays a visual guide at the top of records, showing the different stages or steps in a process. Customizing it with LWC allows you to leverage the latest Salesforce technologies for a more dynamic and tailored user experience. By creating a Custom Salesforce Path LWC, you can provide users with an engaging interface that clearly indicates their progress.


We have a Project object used to track implementation projects for customers. The Status picklist field on the Project record can have the following values:

  • New
  • In Progress
  • On Hold
  • Completed
  • Failed

We want to create a path that visually represents these statuses on the Project record page. The path will update dynamically based on the selected status and provide a button to select the final status, making it easier for users to track project progress at a glance.

Implementation Steps

 Create the LWC Component

1.HTML Template:

    <lightning-card title="Project Status Path">
        <div class="slds-p-around_medium">
            <!-- Path Indicator -->
                <template for:each={statusOptions} for:item="status">

            <!-- Status Selector -->
            <div class="slds-m-top_medium">
                    label="Select Final Status"
                    placeholder="Select Status"

                    label="Select Closed Status"

2. JavaScript Controller:

import { LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import { getRecord, updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import STATUS_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Project__c.Status__c';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class ProjectPath extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @track statusOptions = [
        { label: 'New', value: 'New' },
        { label: 'In Progress', value: 'In Progress' },
        { label: 'On Hold', value: 'On Hold' },
        { label: 'Completed', value: 'Completed' },
        { label: 'Failed', value: 'Failed' }
    @track selectedStatus = '';
    @track currentStep = 'New';

    connectedCallback() {

    fetchRecord() {
        getRecord({ recordId: this.recordId, fields: [STATUS_FIELD] })
            .then(result => {
                this.selectedStatus = result.fields.Status__c.value;
                this.currentStep = this.selectedStatus;
            .catch(error => {
                console.error('Error fetching record:', error);

    handleStatusChange(event) {
        this.selectedStatus = event.detail.value;

    handleSelectStatus() {
        const fields = {};
        fields.Id = this.recordId;
        fields.Status__c = this.selectedStatus;
        const recordInput = { fields };

            .then(() => {
                    new ShowToastEvent({
                        title: 'Success',
                        message: 'Status updated successfully',
                        variant: 'success'
                this.currentStep = this.selectedStatus;
            .catch(error => {
                    new ShowToastEvent({
                        title: 'Error',
                        message: 'Error updating status',
                        variant: 'error'
                console.error('Error updating record:', error);

3. CSS Styles (Optional):

.slds-progress-indicator .slds-progress-step {
    transition: background-color 0.3s;

.slds-progress-indicator .slds-progress-step.slds-is-complete {
    background-color: #0ced48; /* Green for Completed */

.slds-progress-indicator .slds-progress-step.slds-is-active {
    background-color: #22A7F0; /* Blue for Active */

.slds-progress-indicator .slds-progress-step.slds-is-incomplete {
    background-color: #d8d8d8; /* Gray for Incomplete */

.slds-progress-indicator .slds-progress-step[data-value="Failed"] {
    background-color: #f44336; /* Red for Failed */

Final Result

By following these steps, you will create a dynamic path indicator for the Project object, allowing users to visually track their project statuses. This enhances user experience and simplifies project management.


Custom Salesforce Path LWC showing progress indicator


In this post, we explored how to create a Custom Salesforce Path LWC using the lightning-progress-indicator component. This implementation not only enhances user experience but also helps in effectively managing project statuses.

For more detailed technical guidance, visit the Salesforce Developer Documentation. If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of Lightning Web Components, check out our guide on Implementing Lightning Components.

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The risk of using String objects in Java Fri, 25 Oct 2024 23:23:46 +0000

If you are a Java programmer, you may have been incurring an insecure practice without knowing. We all know (or should know) that is not safe to store unencrypted passwords in the database because that might compromise the protection of data at rest. But that is not the only issue, if at any time in our code there is an unencrypted password or sensitive data stored in a String variable even if it is temporary, then there could be a risk.

Why is there a risk?

String objects were not created to store passwords, they were designed to optimize space in our program. String objects in Java are “immutable” which means that after you create a String object and assign it some value, afterward you cannot remove the value nor modify it. I know you might be thinking that this is not true because you can assign “Hello World” to a given String object and in the following line assign it with “Goodbye, cruel world”, and that is technically correct. The problem is that the “Hello World” that you created first is going to keep living in the String pool even if you cannot see it.

What is the String pool?

Java uses a special memory area called the String pool to store String literals. When you create a String literal, Java checks the String pool first to see if an identical String already exists. If it does, Java will reuse the reference to the existing String, saving memory. This means that if you create 25.000 String objects and all of them have the value of “Michael Jackson” only one String Literal will be stored in memory and all variables will be pointing to the same one, optimizing the space in memory.

Ok, the object is in the String pool, where is the risk?

The String Object will remain in memory for some time before being deleted by the garbage collector. If an attacker has access to the content of the memory, they could obtain the password stored there.

Let’s see a basic example of this. The following code is creating a String object and assigning it with a secret password: “¿This is a secret password”. Then, that same object is overwritten 3 times, and the Instances Inspector of the Debugger will help us in locating String objects starting with the character “¿”.

Example 1 Code:


Example 1 Debugger:



As you can notice in the image when the debugger has gotten to the line 8, even after having changed three times the value of the String variable “a” and setting it to null at the end, all previous values remain in the memory, included our: “¿This is a secret password”.


Got it. Just avoiding creating String variables will solve the problem, right?

It is not that simple. Let us consider a second example. Now we are smarter, and we are going to use a char array to store the password instead of the String to avoid the issue of having it saved in the String pool. In addition, rather than having the secret password as literal in the code, it will be available unencrypted in a text file, which by the way is not recommended to save it unencrypted, but we will do it for this example. A BufferedReader is going to support reading the contents of the file.

Unfortunately, as you will see, password also exist in the String pool.

Example 2 Code:


Example 2 Debugger:


Example2 Debugger

This case is even more puzzling because in the code a String Object was never created, at least explicitly. The problem is that the BufferedReader.readLine() is returning a String Object temporarily and the content with the unencrypted password will remain in the String pool.

What can I do to solve this problem?

In this last example we will have the unencrypted password stored in a text file, we will use a BufferedReader to read the contents of the file, but instead of using the method BufferedReader.readLine()  that returns a String we are using the method that stores the content of the file in a char array.  As seen in the debugger’s screenshot, this time the file’s contents are not available in the String pool.

Example 3 Code:


Example 3 Debugger:

Example3 Debugger

In summary

To solve this problem, consider following the principles listed below:

  1. Do not create String literals with confidential information in your code.
  2. Do not store confidential information in String objects. You can use other types of Objects to store this information such as the classic char array. After processing the data make sure to overwrite the char array with zeros or some random chars, just to confuse attackers.
  3. Avoid calling methods that will return the confidential information as String, even if you will not save that into a variable.
  4. Consider applying an additional security layer by encrypting confidential information. The SealedObject in Java is a great alternative to achieve this. The SealedObject is a Java Object where you can store sensitive data, you provide a secret key, and the Object is encrypted and serialized. This is useful if you want to transmit it and ensure the content remains unexposed. Afterward, you can decrypt it using the same secret key. Just one piece of advice, after decrypting it, please do not store it on a String object.
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Use Column Name as space/numbers/special Characters in Output File Using Talend Mon, 21 Oct 2024 06:53:04 +0000

Problem Statement

In Talend, while generating output file if we need to add a column as number or column name with space or to include any special characters as column name in Talend it won’t allow directly by adding the below-mentioned column names in schema, will get the below mentioned error.

As number as column name:

Capture    Capture2

As space in column name:

Spacecolumn Spacecolumnerror

As special characters in column name:

Specialcharatererror      Specialcharater


The above use case was implemented by simple Talend job and with the below steps.

Step 1: To use tFixedFlowInput component by providing the actual column names (number/special character/space) as highlighted below,

Columndefining Step 2: To map the fields to the target file to populate the headers in the first line of the output.


Step 3: To load the actual source data which we need to load it in output target file will be done in step 3. The source data can be a Input File or any other stream of data. Here input file is used as a source for example.


Step 4: In order to avoid the header from actual file used and to pick the headers from the previous flow we need to use sequence and given condition to pick the records which has sequence more than the value 1 as below in tMap.


Step 5: To load the source data after tMap to the same target file using append operation on addition to the header load from the previous flow.


with the same concept we can replace the output component instead of tFileOutputDelimited to tFileOutputExcel for generating excel.


The output file is generated after the execution of the job and the given columns are loaded successfully as below in header of the target file.



]]> 0 358826
HCL Commerce Modpack Upgrade To 9.1.x.x Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:53:36 +0000

Like many enterprise software platforms, HCL Commerce releases updates in a modular form known as a mod pack. The Modpack Upgrade is designed to enhance and extend the capabilities of your current HCL configurations, optimize workflows, add new features, and improve overall performance. This upgrade incorporates the latest advancements and best practices, ensuring your infrastructure as code (IaC) remains efficient, scalable, and robust.

Why Upgrade to 9.1.xx?

  • Access New Features: Staying updated ensures that we can access the latest features and functionalities and keep our business competitive.
  • Security Enhancements: Each Upgrade includes security patches and improvements to protect against the latest threats.
  • Performance Improvements: Updates often include performance enhancements that make the platform faster and more reliable.
  • Support and Compliance: Upgrading ensures continued support from HCL and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Pre-Installation Steps

  • Before upgrading, ensure you have stopped the Java application, disabled all web servers, and ensured that RAD (Rational Application Developer) is not running.
  • Download and extract the Update Package that you want to install.
  • Backup the customized files, as many are updated, in case you need to reapply any customization.
  • Backup the Database.

How to Upgrade HCL Commerce Modpack 9.1.xx

  • To upgrade, HCL Commerce Developers first need to download the HCL Commerce Enterprise Developer from the HCL Flexnet portal.
  • Next extract the downloaded folder.


Procedure for Adding a Repository and Updating

  • Open the Installation Manager

    • Start the Installation Manager application on your computer.


  • Add Update Package Repository

    1. Go to File > Preferences on the Home page and then select Repositories.
    2. The Repositories section will display any existing repositories, locations, and connection status.
    3. Click on Add Repository.
    4. In the dialog box, select Browse to navigate to your Update Package directory. Choose the repository.config file and click OK.
    5. Confirm that the new repository location appears in the list.
    6. Click Test Connections to verify that the repository URL is accessible.
  • Optional Backup

    1. If you wish to back up your current setup before installing updates, navigate to File > Preferences > Files for Rollback.
    2. Enable the option to Save files for rollback.
  • Initiate the Update Process

    1. Return to the main page and click Update.
    2. The Installation Manager will search for available packages in the defined repositories.
    3. Select the relevant package and click Next.
    4. The update wizard will identify applicable fixes, with recommended features automatically selected.
    5. Choose any additional updates you want to apply for and click Next.
    6. The update should be preselected; click Next to proceed.
    7. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
    8. A panel displaying the features to be installed will appear, with the necessary features already selected. Click Next.
    9. Review the summary of updates and click Update to start the installation.
  • Optional Review of Installation

    1. After completing the update, you can check the installation history by navigating to File > Installation History.
    2. If you encounter any issues, refer to the log file located at WCDE_installdir\UpdateDelta\9.1.x.0\applyUpdate.log, where “x” represents the Update Package level.

Database Update

1.updatedb utility

This utility updates HCL Commerce Database to the latest release level that is installed on our system.

  • Open a command-line utility in the WCDE_installdir/bin/ directory and run the below command.

Command: WCDE_installdir/bin/updatedb.bat dbType dbName dbUserName dbUserPassword dbSchemaName  dbHost dbPort

  • The updatedbutility log file location: WCDE_installdir\logs\updatedb\updatedb.log

2.setdbtype utility

This utility points your HCL Commerce Database workspace to IBM DB2 or Oracle Database.

  • Open a command-line utility in WCDE_installdir/bin/ directory and run the below command.

Command:  setdbtype.bat dbType DRIVER_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserID dbUserPassword dbHost dbServerPort

  • The  setdbtype utility log file location: WCDE_installdir/logs/setdbtype.log

Post-Installation Steps After Upgrade

  • Post-update steps

    1. Open RAD and refresh all the projects.
    2. Right-click the server in the Servers view and select Publish.
    3. Wait for the application to finish publishing and to restart.
  • Functional Testing

    1. Core Commerce Functionality: Test fundamental e-commerce functionalities.
    2. User Management: Test user registration, login, and account management functionalities.
    3. Promotions and Pricing: Test promotions, discounts, and pricing rules.
  • Integration Testing

    1. Third-Party Integrations: Test integrations with external systems.
    2. API Integration Testing:  Test APIs used for integrations and custom development.
  • CMC Functionality testing

    1. Check the new feature after an upgrade.
    2. Test the functionality like creating e-spots, content pages, etc.
  • Backup and Recovery Testing

    1. Ensure backup processes are in place and tested to recover the system in case of data loss or system failure.

The Modpack Upgrade represents a significant step in optimizing and extending your HCL configurations. Integrating the latest advancements and best practices ensures that your infrastructure as code remains cutting-edge, secure, and efficient.


]]> 0 358056
A Comprehensive Guide to SEO Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:54:49 +0000

What is SEO?

  •  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the practice of optimizing websites and content to rank higher in search engine results pages
  • It involves improving on-page and off-page factors to drive organic traffic to your website

Why is SEO Important?

  • Increases visibility: Higher rankings lead to increased visibility, helping your target audience find your site.
  • Improves user experience: SEO focuses on enhancing page speed, mobile-friendliness, and navigation, which improve the overall user experience.
  • Helps build authority: Consistent SEO practices establish your website as a trusted resource in your niche

Important SEO Tags You Should Use

  • Title Tags:
    • This is the main title of a webpage, appearing in the browser tabs.
    • Best practices: Keep it under 60 characters, include the main keyword, and keep it compelling.
  • Meta Descriptions:
    • A brief summary that appears under the title in search results.
    • Best practices: Use 150-160 characters, include a call-to-action (CTA), and naturally place the primary keyword.
  • Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3…):
    • Organize content structure, with H1 for the main title and H2, H3 for subheadings.
    • Best practices: Use one H1 per page, and include relevant keywords in the heading tags.
  • Alt Text for Images:
    • Describes what an image is about for accessibility and helps search engines understand the image content.
    • Best practices: Keep it concise but descriptive, and include a keyword if relevant.
  • Canonical Tags:
    • Help prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the original version of a page.
    • Best practices: Use them on pages with duplicate or similar content to avoid SEO penalties.
  • Robots Meta Tag:
    • Directs search engine crawlers on whether to index the page or follow the links.
    • Best practices: Use index, follow for pages you want crawled, and noindex, nofollow for pages you want to hide.

Best Practices for SEO

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords relevant to your audience using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Include these naturally in your content.
  • Content Optimization: Ensure your content is original, informative, and provides value to users. Avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as search engines like Google prioritize mobile-optimized sites.
  • Page Speed: Improve loading times by optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN), and minimizing code.
  • Internal Linking: Link to other relevant pages on your website to keep users engaged and help search engines understand your site structure.
  • Backlinking: Earn backlinks from reputable websites to increase your domain authority.


SEO is a powerful strategy that can significantly impact your website’s visibility, user experience, and credibility. By using the right tags and following SEO best practices, you can ensure your site performs well on search engines, driving more traffic and conversions.

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Computational Complexity Theory Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:40:48 +0000

Computational complexity studies the efficiency of algorithms. It helps classify the algorithm in terms of time and space to identify the amount of computing resources needed to solve a problem. The Big Ω, and Big θ notations are used to describe the asymptotic behavior of an algorithm as a function of the input size. In computer science, computational complexity theory is fundamental to understanding the limits of how efficiently an algorithm can be computed.

This paper seeks to determine when an algorithm provides solvable solutions in a short com- putational time and to find those that generate solutions with long computational times that can be categorized as intractable or unsolvable, using these polynomial functions as a classical repre- sentation of computational complexity. Some mathematical notations to represent computational complexity, its mathematical definition from the perspective of function theory and predicate cal- culus, as well as complexity classes and their main characteristics to find polynomial functions will be explained. Mathematical expressions can explain the time behavior of a function and show the computational complexity. In a nutshell, we can compare the behavior of an algorithm over time with a mathematical function such as f (n), f (n2), etc.

In logic and algorithms, there has always been a search for how to measure execution time, calculate the computational time to store data, determine whether an algorithm generates a cost or a benefit in solving a problem, or design algorithms that generate a viable solution.

Asymptotic notations

What is it?

Asymptotic notation describes how an algorithm behaves over time, when its arguments tend to a specific limit, usually when they grow very large (tend to infinity). It is mainly used in the analysis of algorithms to show their efficiency and performance, especially in terms of execution time or memory usage as the size of the input data increases.

The asymptotic notation represents the behavior of an algorithm over time by making a com- parison with mathematical functions. The algorithm has a cycle while repeating different actions until a condition is fulfilled, it can be said that this algorithm has a behavior similar to a linear function, but if it has another cycle within the one already mentioned, it can be compared to a quadratic function.

How is an asymptotic notation represented?

Asymptotic notations can be expressed in 3 ways:

  • O(n): The term ‘Big O’ or BigO refers to an upper limit on the execution time of an algorithm. It is used to describe the worst-case It is used to describe the worst-case scenario. For example, if an algorithm is O(n2) in the worst-case scenario, its execution time will increase proportionally to n2 where the n is the input size.
  • Ω(n): The ‘Big Ω’ or BigΩ, describes a minimum limit on the execution time of an algorithm and is used to describe the best-case scenario. The algorithm has the behavior of Ω(n), which means that in the best case, the execution time of the algorithm will grow at least proportionally a n.
  • Θ(n): ‘Big Θ’ or BigΘ, are to both an upper and a lower bound of the time behavior of an algorithm. It is used to explain that, regardless of the case, the execution time of the algorithm increases proportionally to the specified value. For example, if an algorithm is Θ(nlogn), your execution time will increase proportionally to nlogn at both ends.

In a nutshell, asymptotic notation is a mathematical representation of computational com- plexity expressed in terms of computational complexity. Now, if we express in polynomial terms an asymptotic notation, it allows us to see how the computational cost increases as a reference variable increases. For example, let’s evaluate a polynomial function f (n) = n + 7 to conclude that this function has a linear growth. Compare this linear function with a second one given what g(n) = n3 − 2, the function g(h) will have a cubic growth when n is larger.

Computational Complexity 1

Figure 1: f (n) = n + 7 vs g(n) = n3 − 2

From a mathematical point of view, it can be stated that:

The function f (n) = O(n) and that the function g(n) = O(n3)


Computational complexity types

Finding an algorithm that solves a problem efficiently is crucial in analyzing algorithms. To achieve this we must be able to express the algorithm’s behavior in functions, for example, if we can express the algorithm as the polynomial f (n) function, a polynomial time can be set to determine the algorithmic efficiency. In general, a good design of an algorithm depends on whether it runs in polynomial time or less.

Frequency counter and arithmetic sum and bounding rules

To express an algorithm as a mathematical function and know it is execution time, it is neces- sary to find an algebraic expression that represents the number of executions or instructions of the algorithm. The frequency counter is a polynomial representation that has been worked on throughout the topic of computational complexity. with some simple examples in Csharp on how to calculate the computational complexity of some algorithms. Use the Big O, because expresses computational complexity in the worst-case scenario.

Computational complexity Constant

Analyze the function that adds 2 numbers and returns the result of the sum:

Computational Complexity 2

With the Big O notation for each of the instructions in the above algorithm, the number of times each line of code is executed can be determined. In this case, each line is executed only once. Now, to determine the computational complexity or the Big O of this algorithm, the complexity for each of the instructions must be summed up:

O(1) + O(1) = O(2)

The constant value is equal 2, the polynomial time of the algorithm is constant, i.e. O(1).

Polynomial Computational Complexity

Now let’s look at another example with a slightly more complex algorithm. We need to traverse an array containing the numbers from 1 to 100 and the total sum of the whole array is required:

Computational Complexity 3

In the sequence of the algorithm, lines 2 and 6 are executed only once, but lines 3 and 4 will be repeated n times, until reaching 100 iterations (n = 100 the size of the array), to calculate the computational cost of this algorithm, the following is done:

O(1) + O(n) + O(n) + O(1) = O(2n + 2)

From this result, it can be stated that the algorithm is executed in time lineal given that O(2n + 2) ≈ O(n). Let’s analyze another algorithm, similar but with two cycles one after the other. These algo- rithms are those whose execution time depends on two variables, n and m, linearly. This indicates that the length of the algorithm is proportional to the sum of the sizes of two independent inputs. The computational complexity for this type of algorithm is O(n + m).

Computational Complexity 4

In this algorithm, the two cycles are independent since the first while represents n + 1 times while the second while represents m + 1, being n ̸= m. Therefore, the computational cost is given by:

O(7) + O(2n) + O(2m) ≈ O(n + m)

Exponential computational complexity

For the third example, the computational cost for an algorithm containing nested cycles is analyzed:

Computational Complexity 5

The conditions in a while (while) and do-while (do while) cycles are executed n + 1 times, as compared to a foreach cycle. These loops do one additional step: validate the condition to end the loop. In line number 7, by repeating n times and doing its corresponding validation, the computational complexity at this point is n(n + 1). In the end, the result of the computational complexity of this algorithm would result in the following:

O(6) + O(4n) + O(2n2) = O(2n2 + 4n + 6) ≈ O(n2)

Logarithmic computational complexity

  • Logarithmic Complexity in base 2 (log2(n)): Algorithms with logarithmic complexity O(logn) grow very slowly compared to other complexity types such as O(n) or O(n2). Even for large inputs, the number of trades does not increase Let us analyze the following algorithm:

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Using a table, let us analyze the step-by-step execution of the algorithm proposed above:


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Table 1: Logarithmic loop algorithm execution

If you examine the sequence in Table reftab:tab1, you can see that their behavior has a logarithmic correlation. A logarithm is the power that must be raised to get another number. For example, log10100 = 2 because 102 = 100. Therefore, it is clear that the base 2 must be used for the proposed algorithm:

64/2 = 32

32/2 = 16

16/2 = 8

8/2 = 4

4/2 = 2

2/2 = 1

It can be calculated that log264 = 6, which means that the six (6) loop has been executed six (6) times (i.e. when k takes values {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}). This conclusion confirms that the while loop of this algorithm is log2(n), and the computational cost is shown as:


O(1) + O(1) + O(log2(n) + 1) + O(log2(n)) + O(log2(n)) + O(1)

= O(4) + O(3log2(n))

O(4) + O(3log2(n)) ≈ O(log2(n))

  • Logarithmic complexity (nlog(n)): Algorithms O(nlog(n)) have an execution time that increases in proportion to the product of the input size n and the logarithm of n. This indicates that the execution time does not double if the input size is doubled, on the contrary, it increases less significantly due to the logarithmic factor. This type of complexity has a lower efficiency than O(n2) but higher than O(n).

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O(2 ∗ (n/2)) + O(1) ≈ O(nlog(n))

Analyzing the algorithm proposed above, mentioning the merge sort algorithm, the algorithm performs a similar division, but instead of sorting elements, it counts the possible divisions into subgroups. The complexity of this algorithm is O(nlog(n)) due to recursion and n operations are performed at each recursion level until the base case is reached.

Finally, in a summary graph, you can see, the behavior of the number of operations performed by the functions based on their computational complexity.


An integration service is periodically executed to retrieve customer IDs associated with four or more companies registered with a parent company. The process performs individual queries for each company, accessing various databases that use different persistence technologies. As a result, an array of data containing the customer IDs is generated without checking or removing possible duplicates.

In this case, the initial approach would involve comparing each employee ID with all other elements in the array, resulting in a quadratic number of comparisons, i.e., O(n2):

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In a code review, the author of this algorithm will be advised to optimize the current approach due to its inefficiency. To solve the problems related to nested loops, a more efficient approach can be taken by using a HashSet. Here is how to use this object to improve performance, reducing complexity from O(n2) to O(n):

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Currently, in C# you can use an object called IEnumerable, which allows you to perform the same task in a single line of code. But in this approach, several clarifications must be made:

  • Previously, it was noted that a single line of code can be interpreted as having O(1) complex- ity. In this case, it is different because the Distinct function traverses the original collection and returns a new sequence containing only the unique elements, removing any duplicates using a HashSet, which, as mentioned earlier, results in O(n) complexity.
  • The HashSet also has a drawback: in the worst case, when collisions are frequent, the complexity can degrade to O(n2). However, this is extremely rare and typically depends on the quality of the hash function and the characteristics of the data in the collection.

The correct approach should be:

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In general, we can reach three important conclusions about computational complexity.

  • To evaluate and compare the efficiency of various algorithms, computational complexity is essential. Helps to understand how the execution time or resource usage (such as memory) of an algorithm increases with input size. This analysis is essential for choosing the most appropriate algorithm for a particular problem, especially when working with significant amounts of data.
  • Algorithms with lower computational complexity can improve system performance signifi- cantly. For example, the choice of an algorithm O(nlogn) instead of one O(n2) can have a significant impact on the amount of time required to process large amounts of data. Ef- ficient algorithms are essential to ensure that the system is fast and scalable in real-world applications such as search engines, image processing, and big data analytics.

Cuadro (1)

Figure 2: Operation vs Elements


  • Understanding computational complexity helps developers and data scientists to design and optimize algorithms. It allows for finding bottlenecks and performance improvements. By adapting the algorithm design to the specific needs of the problem and the constraints of the execution environment, computational complexity analysis allows informed trade-offs between execution time and the use of other resources, such as memory.


  • Roberto Flórez Algoritmia Básica, Second Edition, Universidad de Antioquia, 2011.
  • Thomas Mailund. Introduction to Computational Thinking: Problem Solving, Algorithms, Data Structures, and More, Apress, 2021.
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Increasing Threat of Cyberattacks is Causing Energy Companies to Bolster Security Fri, 30 Aug 2024 15:50:08 +0000

A major energy and utilities supplier has become the latest victim in a growing list of organizations targeted by cyberattacks. Without a quick response to an attack like this, energy companies can risk exposing customer data, cutting off energy supply, slowing or completely stopping operations, and more. 

According to the Department of Energy, the recent incident was responded to quickly, and had minimal lasting impact. However, these attacks are becoming increasingly frequent across industries, and the risks continue to grow. Let’s focus on one of the most common types of cybercrime: ransomware. 

Are Your Systems Susceptible to Malware? 

Ransomware attacks are pervasive, affecting various sectors including organizations like Colonial Pipeline, JBS Foods, and Kaseya. The most frequently targeted industries range from energy and finance to healthcare and entertainment. Malicious software, better known as malware, compromises network integrity by gaining access through phishing, stolen passwords, and other vulnerabilities. 

Ransomware-as-a-Service is a cybercrime business model made possible via modular business models with low barriers to entry, creating a wide market of perpetrators. These individuals are divided into developers who create the malware and affiliates who initiate the attacks, with profits split between them. 

It is crucial to be vigilant, with the most common defense being routine basic cybersecurity hygiene, such as implementing multi-factor authentication. Other tactics include adopting Zero Trust principles and preparing for potential attacks to minimize impact. While a good defense is wise, it is still essential to have a strong relationship between the government and private sector, with collaboration being of utmost importance. Companies must share information about breaches and their efforts to disrupt infrastructure with the support of law enforcement. 

Three Simple Ways to Prevent Cyberattacks 

Now that we have identified what makes malware like ransomware possible, let us address the best ways to avoid becoming a victim. We have broken the solution down into a few simple steps: 

  1. Be prepared with a recovery plan – Make it incredibly challenging to access and disrupt your system. If you make an attack economically unfeasible, you have already avoided the threat. The goal is to avoid paying the ransom for privileges that might not be returned or using keys provided by attackers to regain access. While restoring corrupted systems can be burdensome, it is better than the alternative. 
  1. Limit the scope of damage – By limiting privileged access roles, you reduce the number of entry points for attackers to acquire access to critical components of your business. If they can only gain access to pieces rather than the entire system, it will deter attackers from pursuing an escalated attack. 
  1. Challenge cybercriminals as much as possible – This step should not interfere with steps 1 or 2, but it is essential to create as much friction as possible for potential attacks. Make it an uphill battle for intruders attempting to gain remote access, emails, endpoints, or accounts. If they do manage to get in, ensure they cannot escalate their privileges by implementing robust detection and response capabilities. 

Perficient’s team of experts is well-versed in these incidents and what can be done to prevent them. If you would like to begin mounting more serious defenses, explore our energy industry expertise and browse the many technology partners with which we work to give companies confidence in their security, like Microsoft. 

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Understanding Microservices Architecture: Benefits and Challenges Explained Tue, 06 Aug 2024 07:55:38 +0000

Understanding Microservices Architecture: Benefits and Challenges Explained

Microservices architecture is a transformative approach in backend development that has gained immense popularity in recent years. To fully grasp the advantages of microservices, it is essential first to understand monolithic architecture, as microservices emerged primarily to address its limitations. This article will delve into the differences between monolithic and microservices architectures, the benefits and challenges of adopting microservices, and how they function in a modern development landscape.

What is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic architecture is a traditional software development model where an application is built as a single, unified unit. This means all components of the application, such as user interface, business logic, and database access, are intertwined within one codebase. For instance, if we consider an application like eCommerce Web Application, all functionalities, including payment processing, user authentication, and products listings, would be combined into one single repository.

While this model is intuitive and easier to manage for small projects or startups, it has significant drawbacks. The primary issues include:

  • Redeployment Challenges: Any minor change in one component necessitates redeploying the entire application.
  • Scaling Limitations: Scaling specific functionalities, like authentication, is not feasible without scaling the entire application.
  • High Inter dependencies: Multiple developers working on the same codebase can lead to conflicts and dependencies that complicate development.

Example : eCommerce Web Application


The Shift to Microservices

As organizations like Netflix began to face the limitations of monolithic architecture, they sought solutions that could enhance flexibility, scalability, and maintainability. This led to the adoption of microservices architecture, which involves breaking down applications into smaller, independent services. Each service functions as a standalone unit, enabling teams to develop, deploy, and scale them independently.

Defining Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is characterized by several key features:

  • Independently Deployable Services: Each microservice can be deployed independently without affecting the entire application.
  • Loosely Coupled Components: Services interact with each other through well-defined APIs, minimizing dependencies.
  • Technology Agnostic: Different services can be built using different technologies, allowing teams to choose the best tools for their needs.


Create new independent projects and separate deployment pipelines for the following services in an eCommerce web application:

  1. Authentication Service
  2. Shipping Service
  3. Taxation Service
  4. Product Listing Service
  5. Payment Service

These services can be accessed in the UI through an API gateway.

Benefits of Microservices Architecture

Transitioning to microservices offers numerous advantages that can significantly improve development workflows and application performance:

1. Independent Deployment

One of the most significant benefits is the ability to deploy services independently. For example, if a change is made to the authentication microservice, it can be updated without redeploying the entire application. This minimizes downtime and ensures that other services remain operational.

2. Flexible Scaling

With microservices, scaling becomes much more manageable. If there is an increase in user activity, developers can scale specific services, such as the payments service, without impacting others. This flexibility allows for efficient resource management and cost savings.

3. Technology Flexibility

Microservices architecture enables teams to use different programming languages or frameworks for different services. For instance, a team might choose Python for the authentication service while using Java for payment processing, optimizing performance based on service requirements.

How Microservices Communicate

Microservices need to communicate effectively to function as a cohesive application. There are several common methods for interaction:

1. Synchronous Communication

In synchronous communication, microservices communicate through API calls. Each service exposes an API endpoint, allowing other services to send requests and receive responses. For example, the payments service might send a request to the listings service to verify availability.

2. Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication can be achieved using message brokers, such as RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka. In this model, a service sends a message to the broker, which then forwards it to the intended recipient service. This method decouples services and enhances scalability.

3. Service Mesh

A service mesh, like Istio, can be utilized to manage service-to-service communications, providing advanced routing, load balancing, and monitoring capabilities. This approach is particularly effective in complex microservices environments.

Challenges of Microservices Architecture

Despite its advantages, microservices architecture is not without challenges. Organizations must be aware of potential drawbacks:

1. Management Overhead

With multiple microservices, management complexity increases. Each service requires its deployment pipeline, monitoring, and maintenance, leading to higher overhead costs.

2. Infrastructure Costs

The infrastructure needed to support microservices can be expensive. Organizations must invest in container orchestration tools, like Kubernetes, and ensure robust networking to facilitate communication between services.

3. Development Complexity

While microservices can simplify specific tasks, they also introduce new complexities. Developers must manage inter-service communication, data consistency, and transaction management across independent services.

When to Use Microservices

Microservices architecture is generally more beneficial for larger organizations with complex applications. It is particularly suitable when:

  • You have a large application with distinct functionalities.
  • Your teams are sizable enough to manage individual microservices.
  • Rapid deployment and scaling are critical for your business.
  • Technology diversity is a requirement across services.

Microservices architecture presents a modern approach to application development, offering flexibility, scalability, and independent service management. While it comes with its set of challenges, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for larger organizations. As businesses continue to evolve, understanding when and how to implement microservices will be crucial for maintaining competitive advantage in the digital landscape.

By embracing microservices, organizations can enhance their development processes, improve application performance, and respond more effectively to changing market demands. Whether you are considering a transition to microservices or just beginning your journey, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully and adapt your approach to meet your specific needs.


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