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Quincy Mitchell

Quincy Mitchell is a software engineer in the Custom & Product Development team for Perficient. He loves building tools that help engineers do more than they can imagine.

Blogs from this Author

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Approachable Machine Learning – AWS AutoGluon & Data Prediction

Many companies have been pouring efforts into automated machine learning (AutoML).  It automates many best practices and is an abstraction to make machine learning easier to approach for developers with no prior experience.  Open-sourced by the AWS, “AutoGluon” is one of these AutoML libraries.  AutoGluon is faster, more robust, and much more accurate than many other public […]

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AWS Cost Analysis Comparing Lambda, EC2, Fargate

  Choosing the appropriate compute is challenging when we have many good options from AWS.  Our clients are often excited about only paying for the milliseconds of usage rather than paying for idle cloud resources.  Let’s explore what this looks like with Lambda’s pricing model and compare it to other popular compute choices.  Let’s see some examples of how good Lambda is at saving money when the workload […]

Cloud Computing

Transitioning your Infrastructure to Architecture as Code

At Perficient we are passionate about encouraging engineers as generalists and exemplifying unparalleled productivity by modernizing common engineering pain points. We’re also big believers in flexible teams and finding unique solutions that allow a group of creative individuals to take on projects of all types and sizes with high efficiency. The Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and Fargate are new services from AWS that […]