Overview This post is the second part of the blog about creating SharePoint timer job with CSOM PnP code, using Azure Functions. In this part, you will see how to create the Azure Function and Connect to SharePoint Online with Application Credentials. The source code of the demo project is available at the following location. […]
Peng Zhao

Blogs from this Author
SharePoint Online Timer Jobs with Azure functions Using PnP – Part 1
Overview This series will show you how to create SharePoint timer job with CSOM PnP code, using Azure Functions. The step by step screenshots is provided in each section. It will give you a jump start if you are new to Azure Functions and want to create timer jobs with Client Side Object Model. Introduction […]
Search Using the Result Source Name with O365 Search REST API
When our team performs code refactoring on custom web parts, the following two objectives are identified with the team: Apply REST API instead of JavaScript CSOM to get better performance. Remove as many configurations as possible. There are lots of web parts retrieving data via the search query (CSOM) and each of them contains a […]
How to Get the Time Zone in SharePoint Online Using JSOM
As a collaboration platform, SharePoint Online allows people to share and work on contents in different time zones. It is often required to get the time zone information in context. For example, in a Document Library, you need to transform the created date time in a user-friendly way. The first step is to figure out […]
Mapping Between SharePoint Time Zones and IANA Time Zones
The time zones in Moment come from the IANA Time Zone Database. It is different with the time zones available in SharePoint. If you are planning on using moment.js to do time conversions between time zones, then you will need the mapping between IANA Time Zones and SharePoint time zones. The SharePoint time zones are based […]
SharePoint 2013 Search: Missing Managed Property Value?
There are various reasons for the SharePoint 2013 search display template missing managed property values. This blog post contains a checklist that may help you to find out where things go wrong. SharePoint 2013 Search missing managed property value issue: For example, we want to display the Seat Number in the people search display template. […]
How to create Windows AD test accounts with PowerShell
During the development of a new SharePoint 2013 employee portal, we had a requirement to create more than 20K testing employees’ data, which we are not going to get from the client to test the performance of several user profile related web parts. How to do it on Local Dev machines, Staging and QA environments […]
Setting up Jenkins with Git repository
This post introduces you the steps to setup Jenkins (Continuous Integration Server) with Git repository.
Automated Acceptance Test with AngularJS, Jasmine and Protractor
Want to do automated acceptance test in AngularJS web app? This post introduces you to the basics of building Automated Acceptance Test with AngularJS, Jasmine and Protractor.
Set Document ID Prefix Programmatically in SharePoint 2013
This post introduces you to a correct way to set up Document ID Prefix in SharePoint 2013. Immediately after you kick off the timer jobs for Document ID service in this approach, all of your documents under the new site will show up with correct prefix.