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Financial Services

5 Powerful Statements for Your Debt Collections Call Model

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Collections Strategies Webinar

When was the last time you revisited the debt collections call model your agents follow? Is it suitable for customers who are late today – versus years ago?

Customer contacts made via phone calls must become more than an ask for payment and the total amount due.

Here are 5 powerful statements that must be part of your debt collections call model script to convey empathy and improve customer retention:

  1. “How can I support you and your family during this time of need?”
  2. “You may be receiving calls from other creditors, but are you aware of the impact this is having? Let me help you understand.”
  3. “We have options and solutions available to help you.”
  4. “My goal is to serve you and ensure you have all of the information needed to make the best decision for your family.”
  5. “We are here for you.”

Every creditor wants the balance paid to prevent a loan loss. And the collection agent who makes the customer the number one priority is the one who will get paid first, every time.

At Perficient, we have helped our clients redesign their call models and quality assurance programs, and they are having tremendous success. If you want to experience the same level of success and want us to help you implement and optimize similar programs, please contact me (

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Byron Gifford

Byron Gifford is Perficient’s lead business consultant for financial services. With an extensive background as an executive leader in the banking industry, Byron has helped several banks improve their loan losses, increase customer retention, and reduce operational expenses through modernizing their collections and loss mitigation process engines. Byron specializes in developing innovative and dynamic contact strategies, creating cultures that deliver a relentless focus on enhancing the customer experience and retention, and implementing automation for business manual processes.

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