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Taking Your Enterprise Search Experience to the Next Level

Enterprise Search

Previously, I discussed the value of enterprise search for payors and providers. The next blog in the series analyzes how to take the enterprise search experience to the next level.

Yes, it is still important to pay attention to all the excellent information available concerning user-interface (UI) design and best practices for consumer experience. Ease of use, intuitive and uncluttered UI presentation, and attention to content clarity will never go out of style.

Many in the healthcare industry have these elements well in hand, but they often consider these pieces to be just the starting point on a digital journey, which ultimately leads to improved outcomes, higher member and patient satisfaction, and better consumer adoption and retention rates.

There are three ways to boost the value of relevance on a website:

  • Machine Learning Query Suggest: Not just type ahead, but AI-powered suggestions as you type
  • Automatic Relevance Tuning: Brings the most relevant results to the top of the list
  • Content Recommendations: Show appropriate content to the user without them asking for it

The Keyword Problem – Solved!

When humans communicate, we use a lot of non-verbal signs, but obviously, searching on keywords can’t leverage “non-verbal” cues (not yet anyway). But there is another way. If you can combine information about user intent (and the keywords they use) with their context and other clues about the user, you will improve your chances of returning more relevant content.

That’s the promise of AI within search systems. They discern intent based on the user’s context, their behavior, and what they type into search boxes. With machine learning, the system looks at what other people with similar context, similar behavior, and similar keywords searches found important.

These results are likely to be the same for the current user, allowing machine learning to deliver results with high relevance.

To learn more about the role of enterprise search at payer and provider organizations and the highlights from search project that we completed at a top-5 health insurer, you can click here or submit the form below.

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