Does Your Company Culture Need Some TLC?
Wondering what’s the one thing those three iconic individuals have in common? Keep reading…
One reason behind Salesforce’s success is the Ohana, or the Salesforce community of Trailblazers. The same way Jimmy Buffet has “Parrotheads” or Justin Bieber has “Beliebers,” your company can have their own tribe of loyal followers. In most cases (as is Salesforce and Perficient), it starts with the inside, out: the employees. It’s developed into a positive and effective community of users that ask and answer questions, have access to the latest company and product updates, and above anything else, have access to the information they need to feel confident to do complete their tasks efficiently.
Does your company have an online community space for employees? These can sometimes be in wikis or portals, or even in Slack channels and social media groups like LinkedIn and Facebook. While this is a great first step, most enterprise companies are interested in making the investment to capture value, feedback, and control than a traditional community offers. There are communication and file sharing capabilities (some better than others), however, companies like Carrix, the world’s largest privately held marine terminal and rail operators, and DHI, that service the industry of door security for non-residential construction, chose to empower their employees with a Salesforce community.
Marc Benioff’s Employee Culture Quotes for Your #MondayMotivation
Mark Benioff is known for inspiring his employees – that’s what makes them great partners for us. Here are a few of his tips for creating a winning company culture.
Dreamforce 2016,’s user and developer conference held at the Moscone Convention Center and various hotels in San Francisco from October 3-7, 2016. (© Photo by Jakub Mosur Photography)
“Presentation skills are key. People who work for you represent your brand. You want them to present themselves — and represent you — in a certain way.”
— Marc Benioff
“Learning how to interact with customers is something that anyone starting any business must master. It’s an amazing opportunity to be able to learn the ropes at an established company and then employ your expertise at your own company.”
— Marc Benioff
“Technology’s always taken jobs out of the system, and what you hope is that technology’s going to put those jobs back in, too. That’s what we call productivity.”
— Marc Benioff
“We need a new generation of executives who understand how to manage and lead through data. And we also need a new generation of employees who are able to help us organize and structure our businesses around that data.”
— Marc Benioff
“The world is being re-shaped by the convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data, community and other powerful forces. The combination of these technologies unlocks an incredible opportunity to connect everything together in a new way and is dramatically transforming the way we live and work.”
— Marc Benioff
“The secret to successful hiring is this: look for the people who want to change the world.”
— Marc Benioff
Create Your Own Employee Community
For companies that want to create the same inspiring message for their employees that Marc Benioff is known for creating for his, one great place to start is by creating your own employee community. Even if you don’t have a clever name for your followers, get started by learning what goes into an employee community and the tips to best manage it in our free guide below.
Leave us your funniest example of follower names you’ve heard in the comments below!