Any good contact center manager will tell you bringing together all the key cloud contact center components at a level that can scale for the largest enterprise, while maintaining the economic benefits for a scrappy startup is one of the biggest challenges they face. That is why we are very excited to announce the release of our Amazon Connect Quick Start for Dynamics 365.
Why is this exciting? With the release of this free software, Perficient is bringing together two of the fastest growing customer care solutions from top cloud services providers to support your mission to deliver exceptional service that will delight your customers anytime, anywhere.
As you might have guessed, it starts with Amazon, ends with Microsoft, and is wrapped together by Perficient.
- Amazon Connect – The last best customer service experience your customers have becomes their new expectation for their future experiences. Do you want to be the brand that sets the new experience expectation or is constantly trying to keep up? For anyone that shops on Amazon you know that Amazon sets the bar for providing great customer service. Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center, delivered on a pay by the minute pricing model, with no up-front payments or commitments. Amazon Connect is the tool Amazon uses to fuel their exceptional customer service experience. And it is now available for you!
- Dynamics 365 – Microsoft is known for providing leading cloud productivity tools like Office 365 and customer relationship management tools like Dynamics 365. Microsoft’s productivity tools are some of the most widely used worldwide and Dynamics 365 has seen rapid growth. These tools are available across multiple operating systems and device types. These familiar tools make it easy for your contact center employees to provide exceptional service that will delight your customers.
- Amazon Connect Quick Start for Dynamics 365 – Our Quick Start makes it easy for our clients to integrate Amazon Connect and Dynamics 365. We have pre-integrated common contact center scenarios to make it easy to quickly leverage your CRM within the contact center.
The Quick Start brings together tools from Amazon, a brand known for exceptional customer service, and Microsoft, a brand known for providing great worker productivity software. Contact center demands have high levels of fluctuation within any given day, certain days within a week, given times of the month, and seasonal variability. A contact center solution optimized for the cloud allows organizations to shift the risks associated with managing the technology infrastructure and applications to a real cloud. When the mundane day-to-day operations of managing a contact center are optimized, this allows you and your team to focus on delighting your customers. Contact us for a demo.