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Sitecore Bootcamp for Developers: Part 2

Installing Sitecore

Welcome back to Sitecore Bootcamp for Developers! In this part we’ll walk through installing Sitecore 8.x and setting up IIS to view a Sitecore website on your local machine.
If you are just joining us, please go back and read the introduction where you’ll also find links to each other part of the bootcamp.

  1. Prerequisites
    1. SQL Server
      1. 2012 was used to create this guide
    2. Visual Studio
      1. 2015 was used to create this guide
    3. IIS
      1. Version 8.5.9600 was used to create this guide
    4. Sitecore 8.x
      1. Version 8.2 was used to create this guide
  2. Setup SQL Server to allow Mixed Authentication Mode
    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
    2. Connect to local server
    3. Right click Server in Object Explorer – > Properties
    4. Click Security page
    5. Server Authentication
      1. Click SQL Server and Windows Authentication
  3. Setup a SQL Server user for Sitecore
    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
    2. Connect to local server
    3. Right click Security in Object Explorer -> Logins -> New Login
    4. General Page
      1. SQL Server Authentication
      2. Set the Login name and password
        1. You can reuse the same login on your local machine for multiple Sitecore instances. But it would be recommended to have a different login for each site in a production environment.
      3. Uncheck enforce password policy
        1. This may not be recommended in a production environment
    5. Server Roles Page
      1. Check boxes for public and sysadmin
        1. This may not be recommended in a production environment
  4. Install Sitecore
    1. Download Sitecore
      2. You must have a Sitecore Developer account
    2. Choose your license file
    3. Run Sitecore Installer
      1. Cannot be installed from a network drive
      2. Installation Wizard
        1. New instance
        2. Accept Terms
        3. Installation Type
          1. Complete
        4. Instance Name
          1. SitecoreBootcamp
        5. License File
        6. SQL Server
          1. This is the name of database server (not the Sql Server instance name)
            1. Shown when you run Sql Server Management studio and connect to your local server.
          2. Sitecore credentials created in Step 2.
        7. Install path
          1. SitecoreBootcamp
        8. Website Name
          1. SitecoreBootcamp
            1. We will rename this SitecoreBootcamp.localhost in the next step. The installer will not allow you to enter special characters in the name.
    4. IIS Settings
      1. Open IIS Manager
      2. Right click Sites/SitecoreBootcamp in Connections -> Edit Bindings
      3. Click on the entry for “SitecoreBootcamp” -> Edit
      4. Set the Host name to “SitecoreBootcamp.localhost”
        1. You should always a domain extension
          1. Cookies don’t work correctly without a TLD
        2. You should use .local or .localhost
          1. Check with your project leader to see if they have a preference
        3. You should NOT
          1. .dev was purchased by Google as a TLD and tries to route to an actual non-existant domain
      5. Restart the website
    5. Hosts File
      1. Open notepad.exe as an admin
        1. Right click -> Run as admin
      2. Open C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts
      3. Change the line “ SitecoreBootcamp” to “ SitecoreBootcamp.localhost”
      4. Save
    6. Launch Site
      1. http://sitecorebootcamp.localhost
        1. The first page load may take some time as Sitecore rebuilds it caches.

Be sure to follow me through the entire month of November 2017 and follow along with each part as they become available. Thanks for reading, and be sure to leave me comments or questions, I would love to chat with you about Sitecore.
Created by: Eric Sanner, Brandon Bruno, Alan Tibbs

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Eric Sanner, Solutions Architect

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