Comments on: Why Thematic Content Campaigns Rule – Here’s Why #110 Expert Digital Insights Wed, 22 Mar 2017 21:51:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Traphagen Wed, 22 Mar 2017 21:51:39 +0000 In reply to Tommy Hobin.

Hi Tommy, you have to be willing to experiment and see what hits for your audience. Also, for obvious reasons, thematic campaigns involve a commitment over time, and the effects we talk about, when they happen, are the accumulated benefits built over time and consistency. These Here’s Why videos have been such a commitment for us. It took over a year of weekly videos before we began to build any real loyal audience, and we feel like they are only just beginning to take off recently, now almost two years in.
A couple other things:
1. Be willing to try some paid promotion of your thematic content to help get it exposed to an audience that will begin to look for it and even subscribe to it.
2. It sounds like you are looking for direct conversion actions to result from your content. But is that really it’s purpose? Thought leadership or brand building content won’t often result in an immediate action, but it can be very effective in building an audience and fan base who know and love your brand, and who will be more likely to act when the right offer comes along.
3. Make sure your content is well-aligned with the needs and quests of your target audience? Are you being too pushy or salesy? Is your content something that would really make them stop and take notice, be glad they spent time on it, and be likely to remember you?

By: Tommy Hobin Wed, 22 Mar 2017 20:44:23 +0000 Great article (and video). We often tie in our infographics, whitepapers and events with video – just sometimes takes a long time to shoot and produce them with what seems like little return (event sign ups, whitepaper downloads, etc. conversion rate increase). I guess we fall under the Ad Hoc group.. Thanks for putting this and other posts together.
