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Digital Experience

Delivering Intelligent Fulfillment to Exceed Buyer Expectations

Shipping boxes with laptop

Shopping – you might be online on your computer, mobile, ipad or talking to a sales associate to find that perfect skirt, dress, or pair of shoes. The price is even perfect but you don’t place the order. Why? Because of concerns around cost of shipping, lack of information about when the item will be delivered or the flexibility you may have to return it if it does not meet your expectations. How about another scenario? You go to a store to purchase a product only to find that they do not have it in stock. If you are lucky, a sales associate will be willing to call another store or warehouse to find your item but otherwise you are left unsatisfied, empty handed and the seller misses out on a transaction and possibly has an unhappy customer.

Let’s also look at the related scenario on the B2B side: As a seller with contracts executed with geographical decentralized client bases, you are frustrated with the manual processes associated around cost, lack of omni-channel abilities, selling and servicing complex offerings, etc. And what about on the buying end? As a buyer, you take great pride in negotiating a detailed contract with a seller but the seller seems unable to support the conditions and requirements laid out in the contract.

Whether it is retail or B2B, the unfortunate result can be the exact same: lack of intelligent fulfillment and order management. Retailers miss an opportunity to create brand loyalty with a unified commerce approach and sellers have to shift their thinking to single, unified, omni-channel customer experiences.

Our team of OMS experts recently created a guide that discusses how implementing intelligent fulfillment and order management is the cornerstone to enabling sellers to reach the goals of error-free orders, high satisfaction and low costs that their clients and customers expect.

In this guide, our team of OMS experts explores the dynamics of order management in intelligent fulfillment and discuss: 

  • Today’s B2B market dilemmas
  • Order management solutions that provide logic and workflow to drive demand
  • Market considerations and drivers for prioritizing order management

Download the guide today!

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Heather Bowman

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