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What I Learned on Day 1 of the I LOVE APIs Conference

The second day, called “Day 1” here at I Love APIs begins the speaker series for Strategy, Developer, and IT forums.

What is I Love APIs? Go here for a run down of the conference by Alexandra Haefele: How to Get the Most Out of the I Love APIs 2015 Conference

10:30 AM A late start to todays conference which means I missed Chet Kapoor keynote speech. I tuned into another Developer session “DEFINING AND BUILDING APIS WITH SWAGGER” with Tony Tam, from Apigee.

Using the sample from GitHub for a swagger project HERE we imported the swagger.yaml to showcase editing with swagger. A high level overview in one hour covered creating, starting, editing, testing, projects. Swagger allows for quick, and easy access to your founding API design and launch browser based editing.

11:40 AM – APIs in the enterprise: Lessons Learned – IT Forum with Hara Chakravarthy, Shawn McCarthy, and Max Furmanov. 










Features of Great APIs:

Easy to discover

  • Consistent naming schemes
  • Comprehensive documentation

Easy to use, and adapt to

  • Self-service registration, testing, and certification
  • Available client SDKs
  • Abstract away complexity

Challenge: Knowledge is dispersed among domains with various vocabulary for APIs, and stored among these smaller groups. What was done to overcome?

  • To overcome the challenge of being able to standardize vernacular and externalize APIs with domain arranged teams, and create self-contained teams (Engineers, SCRUM masters, QA…) .

Summary: Shared Services teams need to evolve constantly to adjust to the company Agile focus. Maintain a focus on Agile methods and DevOps evolutions to constantly adapt to changes.

12:20 PM – Food trucks!











3:00 PM – IoT Architecture – Insights from Global Deployments

John Calagaze, Centralite, Fabien Papleux, Accenture, and Scott Pirdy, Apigee talk IoT. 

Centralite comes with decades of domain knowledge with IoT, and Accenture comes in with global practice and enterprise experience.



IoT Lifecycle

Define -> Design -> Develop -> Secure -> Deploy -> Support

Define Requirements:

  • Market – Does the world need another similiar device?
  • Customer – How are they using the data? Local, offsite?
  • Technical – Interoperability – Device to Device you have to understand protocols. 


  • To be Seen or Not: IoT devices have become focal points, do you want it to be seen, or not?
  • Power Options: How are you powering your device? Considerations will need things like replacements, and the size of the battery.
  • User Interface: Smart interface – How to pair for the customer, diagnostic data if the device just has an LED as an UI.


4-box Architecture

Edge Tier – Platform Tier – Enterprise Tier

Public Tier

By the 4-box architecture analogy everything lives in the Edge tier, connections flow to to the platform tier(i.e. Apigee Link), which follows to the Enterprise tier. The public tier is the web of users that can be calling APIs to access your ‘things’ in comparison to the Edge tier, the Public tier has ‘people’, the Edge tier is all IoT.


“Biggest concern about IoT systems”

  • Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
  • Physical + Direction + Volume + Trust
  • Design layered security.


  • Install Equipment
  • Provision Equipment
  • Deploy Application(s)
  • Create Account(s)
  • Claim Equipment


What happens once the product enters the customer’s hands? Considering wireless connectivity, usage, time, and there is always the element of the unexpected after release.

  • Support End-point devices (traditional)
  • Support connectivity infrastructure (new)
  • Support cloud infrastructure (new)
  • Support application infrastructure/applications (new)
  • Monitor devices – performance and diags (new)

4:10 PM – Fireside Chat: Beyond Hype and Pilot Projects to Generating Business Value with the IoT with Chet Kapoor, and Dr. Satya Ramaswamy, TCS







Chet: Why is IoT so relevant today, is it a 2017 market?

Satya in short: Value derived from IoT devices today can be taken advantage of, including the channels it opens to industries. IoT is showing customers how to reimagine their business.

Chet: What is the hardest thing to do with IoT devices?

Satya in short: Increasing margins, and finding gap where to generate revenue. IoT is a fully complex system to first understand where to integrate, and then how.

Journalist: What are the benefits from IoT (Numbers, metrics..)?

Satya in short: Referencing surveys that were performed showed 16% increase in revenue from IoT. IoT changes the way companies think and in the end can change performance. The real time data that can be gathered from IoT can provide vital predictive analytics for consumers and providers.

Chet: Scenario: What is the criteria on your first IoT project? What should be picked?

Satya in short: What makes the most sense, and follows typical business practice that makes sense. Strategy focus required with so much competition around.

Chet follow up: Pick a small project that is mission critical – trial period, but make sure it is important to your business.






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Arvin Karibasic

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