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Customer Experience and Design

Context Matters: How to Engage Your Customers with Mobile

It’s safe to say that the customer is the lifeblood of any business. Without customers buying your products or using your services, your business would cease to exist. That’s why it’s so important to engage with your customers and provide them with personal journeys tailored to their personas. And the best way to start? Use the platform preferred most by your customers.

Treat Mobile as the New Norm
From mobile apps to mobile web, we’re all using our mobile devices for everything – every day. It’s become like a Pavlovian response: if we need information of any kind, we pull out our phones and look to either a favorite app or the web to figure it out.

Start with 4 Key Questions
To engage your customers on their mobile devices, you need to be cognizant of their context. Ask yourself:

  1. What are your customers doing at that moment?
  2. Why are they doing it?
  3. Where are they?
  4. What information would be helpful?

If you know the answer to these questions, you can provide them with a mobile moment that’s delightful. And if you provide them with delightful moments designed for their context, they’ll be hooked. Your app or mobile site will be where those users turn the next time they need information. Plus, it will raise the opinion of your company to those customers. They’ll begin to wonder what else your company can do for them.

Take Advantage of More Tools & Features
Again, the key to providing these moments is understanding the context of your users. This can be done through journey mapping and using analytics to know where customers are on their personal journeys and tailor content to them accordingly.

You can also use the full power of mobile to incorporate elements like GPS and low-energy Bluetooth beacons for location services, accelerometer and gyroscope for knowing what your user is doing (e.g., biking, walking, driving, sleeping), and even Near Field Communication (NFC) for completing mobile payments. The possibilities are endless for providing your customer with a great mobile experience with these types of features.

Remember, context is key for engaging your customers on mobile and providing them with relevant information. This will provide unforgettable mobile moments that will boost your company’s image and promote repeat customers. There is so much power with mobile. Let’s use it!

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Craig Isakson

Craig specializes in mobile and enterprise-level applications. He also is extensively certified in Salesforce and Cloud systems.

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