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Upgrading to Salesforce Communities

With over 800 implementations across 7+ years, it’s safe to say that we’ve had great success implementing Partner and Customer portals for our clients.

We’ve been urging many of these happy portal clients to start thinking about how they will use Salesforce Communities (generally available since Summer ’13). Common questions we’ve heard so far are,

“What’s different about the Communities product? What’s the secret sauce?”

“How hard will it be to migrate our partners and customers to a community?”

“How will Communities help us improve our partner and customer experience?”

Drawing from 7+ years of experience – we’ve crafted a solution for a portal to Communities “conversion” that will,

  1. Answer those basic questions
  2. Make the conversion process seamless and easy for our clients

Our portal conversion solution is based on the following five steps:

  1. Analyze and understand your audience:  Partners? Customers? Vendors? A blend of all three? Each group has unique needs and new ways to interact in a community.
  2. Build a better user experience:  The CMS capabilities of and a refreshed look and feel allow for new levels of flexible UI design for your customers and partners. This step can include User Testing, Branding, etc. from our dedicated Experience Design team.
  3. Connect your internal processes:  More robust sharing controls and access to chatter means your community users can be better connected to each other and the data that matters to them.
  4. Migrate, test, and deploy:  Our portal and communities experience means no surprises for our clients in the key final phases of the implementation.
  5. Engage and ensure adoption: An implementation with Perficient does not end at go-live, we define key use cases and behaviors to be encouraged, as well as provide detailed adoption reporting to measure success.

Looking for more? Read the full presentation and let us know what you think.

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