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When? Now? Yes! RightNow! You’ll Find it in the Cloud………

“We need a way to take care of our customers all the time,” Howard Wagner said. He was looking at Willy Loman while talking, looking for answers regarding how to grow the business, which was struggling at the moment. It seemed that Willy had all the answers and his team was producing some impressive numbers lately. Especially since Loman convinced Widget, Inc. to fully invest in a strong customer experience (CX) strategy.

“Day or night, Loman, during work hours, after work hours, during the weekend, via any digital device that is out there, and which can access the internet, we need to serve to our customer well, increase their delight. That is the key to selling more: gaining strong customer delight. When can we do this, and how?”  Wagner said.

“It’s not a matter of how, it’s a matter of when,” Loman said.

“When? How about anytime a customer picks up the phone, a smart device, via a laptop computer, chat, email?” Wagner asked.

“That’s right! How about RightNow?” Willy said.

“Now? you mean, right now?”

“Exactly Mr. Wagner, I mean RightNow and all the time!”

“Right now? How can we do that?”

“We can use Oracle’s RightNow CX Cloud Services! It’s an outstanding CX solution that is garnering rave reviews in the Customer Experience space and provides a social media element as well! Both the latest technology innovations that companies across the board are using to help grow their business while delighting their customers!” Willy said.

“Tell me right now Loman, about RightNow, what are its elements that will help us drive our business forward?”

“To thrive in today’s customer empowered environment, Widget, Inc. needs to deliver the best customer experiences when, where and how customers want it. Oracle RightNow CX Cloud Service combines Web, Social and Contact Center experiences for a unified, cross-channel service solution in the Cloud, enabling organizations to increase sales and adoption, build trust and strengthen relationships, and reduce costs and effort. RightNow’s service enterprise platform provides transparent reliability, unmatched security, and total Cloud freedom for mission critical customer experience delivery.” Willy said.

“That sounds very complex Loman,” Howard said. “Our information technology staff is busy with many other projects, they may not have the time right now to bring what sounds like a great solution up-to-speed in a timely fashion.’

“Howard, we don’t need to worry about that,” Loman said. “Oracle has a solution implementation partner, Perficient, that can bring all the necessary consulting resources to bear to ensure that RightNow is structured just the way we need it built for our business.”

“Sounds like we need to explore RightNow, right now!” Wagner said. “Loman put a team together, understand our needs and requirements in the CX space, get Oracle in here, listen to what they have to say about RightNow! Understand this application in detail then get back to me with what you’ve discovered!”

“I’m on it boss!”

Howard Wagner leaned back in his chair as Loman left his office with a bounce in his step and thought to himself, that Loman is going places, I just hope that he remains with Widget, Inc. We can use a man like him around here for the long run. But, he needs to be more careful driving that car of his! Loman drives it like hotrod!

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