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Customer Experience and Design

WSJ – Citi Won’t Sleep on Customer Tweets

The Wall Street Journal has an article posted an article on a topic we’ve been addressing here on the Financial Services blog around social media and customer service.

Frustrated by the 40 minutes she spent on hold with Citibank customer service, Stacy Small tweeted her displeasure. To her surprise, a Citibank agent tweeted right back. “Send us your phone number and we’ll call you right now,” read the message.

Within minutes Ms. Small, who owns a luxury-travel company in Los Angeles, was on the phone with an agent, one of about 30 customer-service personnel based in Jacksonville, Fla., and San Antonio who have received special training in social media. The agent took such good care of her that, now, whenever Ms. Small has a problem she bypasses the call center and instead tweets her concerns to the Twitter address @askCiti.

“I never thought I would have a good relationship with a customer-service agent, but they take all the stress away from dealing with a big bank,” Ms. Small said.

The article goes on to explain how social media use has increased at Citigroup that, while still small, is important.  They also highlight some stats on Big Banks and customer services stats.  It’s worth it to read the entire article.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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