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Posts Tagged ‘Sprint’

Agile: Every Journey Starts with a Single Step

Agile development methodologies have a number of important tenets, but one of them is a short time to market. An agile team decides the first core functionality, builds it and gets feedback on it. It’s like picking out the corner pieces of a puzzle to start. Then each iteration adds a few pieces to the […]

Continuous Delivery in a Mobile World

If you took a poll of the mobile development teams out there, odds are that most of the teams are using some form of Agile development methodology practice.  One of the reasons is that the concept of Agile sprints fit very well into the update model that the mobile app market has defined. The sprints, […]

The real life of a Scrum team – with photos

Recently while cleaning up my photo albums I found some interesting old pictures which were captured while I was leading a Scrum project. These white board pictures illustrate how we incrementally deliver from scratch. Looking at these pictures I really enjoy recollecting the days when I was working together with my team; days we spent […]