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Posts Tagged ‘redesign’

Digital Account Opening

Essential Question for Healthcare: Why Redesign Your Website?

For the vast majority of hospitals, a redesign is triggered by three events: An organizational-wide rebrand or rename Acquisition or merger with another entity Annual funding cycle catches — e.g. “it’s been too long” or “we’ve asked two budgets ago” However, this funding decision is just the starting place. Your website is the first — […]

healthcare journey map

Healthcare Information Integration Challenges and Solutions

Healthcare IT is ever-changing and Perficient is on the forefront of this change, guiding the industry and those we serve toward a brighter future. We partner with healthcare companies to help people live their lives to their fullest potential today, using best practices and cost saving technologies and processes. As we look to the future […]

A Glimpse at’s Redesign

Looks like the folks over at Wired launched a redesign of their site yesterday.  I was just reading through an article about it written by their engineering director. I’ll let you creative types comment on the actual design of it, but there are some interesting things they are doing developmentally that strike my…interest. First, they […]

One Good Way to Promote Your Site Redesign

Erin Moloney flipped this to me via Healthcare Communication.  I’ve embedded the video and some text from the original post.  I’ll give my two cents afterward.   How do you excite hospital employees about an intranet redesign? Dartmouth-Hitchcock Center found a clever way. The center created a quirky video that follows the manager of its […]