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Posts Tagged ‘computer programming’

5 ways learning to code can improve your life

  My first crack at writing computer code came when computers were sofa-sized and the term “web” applied mainly to spiders. At my high school, programming was the alternative elective to woodworking and home economics. It wasn’t popular; throughout my four years there, I could count on my fingers and toes the total number of […]

Happy Hour For Kids?

Are your children participating in the largest learning event in history next week? From December 8-12, many schools will be participating in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week. The idea behind the Hour of Code is to introduce students to computer science and show them how easy coding can be through fun, game-based coding […]

Data Science = Synergistic Teamwork

Data science is a discipline conflating elements from various fields such as mathematics, machine learning, statistics, computer programming, data warehousing, pattern recognition, uncertainty modeling, computer science, high performance computing, visualization and others. According to Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt, two luminaries in the field of Data Science, there are about seven disciplines that even data scientists in training […]