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Integration & IT Modernization

5 Considerations for Building IT with BPM

I can best sum up my years in undergraduate business school as a series of lessons. Beyond the textbooks, business competitions, and midterms, the lesson of efficiency always stood out. Professors who taught operations espoused this in particular to highlight avoiding thin profit margins and the challenge of going to market.

At the core of efficiency is business process management (BPM), used by enterprises to solve urgent business needs including high costs and quality improvements. While obvious in context, BPM takes time to put together and a lot of trial and error to master. Organizations that master BPM are able to enjoy the benefits of agility and process flow that help the business run more smoothly than before.

Enterprises making the jump into BPM have numerous questions, including how to choose the right platform and how the industry continues to transform. In this blog, we outline 5 considerations to help move the process along for a smoother transition. Here are our thoughts:

  1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Once a process has been identified, it’s time to set clear goals and objectives. Understanding the needs of the organization must be clear here and it’s important to interview stakeholders who will be a part of these goals. It’s also important that leaders set ROI targets for these goals and objectives too.
  2. Create Simple Processes to Start: The second step to BPM is choosing a process. A qualified process has to demonstrate high-level impact, be simple, and offer low risk to the business while being well defined. Even something as simple as a payroll tool are processes that can be slowly integrated into an organization’s HR department.
  3. Organizational Buy-In: Once the goals and processes have been selected, reach out to other leaders in the organization for buy-in. Leaders must ensure that they have the support so that any implemented BPM initiative does not fall by the wayside.
  4. Document the Process: In any enterprise, a business process requires the authoring of standard operating procedures. Leaders must decide how they want their processes to be documented and how success is to be measured. Complexities are addressed here as well.
  5. Explore the Solutions: Finally, the last step is to explore viable solutions. When selecting the solution, it’s important to keep in mind that the solution must fit the business and not the other way around. It’s up to leaders to ensure that solutions meet all requirements of the business, otherwise the success metrics will be at risk.

What standards do you think BPM implementation should follow? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below and let us know what challenges you’ve run into.

Optimize Your BPM

Are you still discovering how BPM will work for your organization? Reach out to us today at for a conversation with one of our subject matter experts and see how we can help you today.

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In today’s innovative enterprise, IT exists in an ecosystem. In contrast to the past where many implemented solutions existed in individual silos, today’s implementations work together to influence positive business outcomes. This post is part of a series focused on guiding enterprises through an overwhelming process to compete, scale, and innovate in a fast-moving world. Stay tuned for upcoming blogs in this series!

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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