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Spring Cleaning with Alfresco and AWS

Organizing the home and cleaning become big activities around the homes of Americans at this time of the year as we head towards spring and the look of clutter creates uneasy feelings. In a similar vein, corporations also feel the pinch as the accumulation of digital files, paperwork, and customer data become a challenge in organization and process flow.

In the past, on premises servers and applications handled much of the data and enterprise content requirements, resulting in ineffective, siloed processes. Or worse, companies were plagued with paper files and manual processes, resulting in significant processing delays and data inconsistency.

Cloud adoption has altered the perspective towards enterprise content management. As the costs, service level agreements (SLAs), and security postures of public cloud platforms continues to improve and organizations explore cloud adoption through hybrid methodologies, moving enterprise content has never been easier.

Connecting the Clouds

One of the ways to improve innovation in enterprise content management, leveraging the power of the cloud, is through Alfresco. Our partnership with the cloud-based process and content management allows us to help numerous organizations on their path to enterprise content management innovation. In a cloud-based environment, customers can automate the capture of physical file content, access and collaborate with content regardless of location, integrate content with process capabilities, govern information through a simplified process, and extend security across the ECM environment. For organizations in the financial services, insurance, medical, legal, and real estate industries (to name a few) where customer documentation piles up quickly, the arrangement is perfect.

That said, simply moving documents does not solve customer documentation challenges – you also need an extensible platform like Amazon Web Services that solves business challenges innovatively. Through the Alfresco Test Drive program, organizations can add multimedia or simple office documents to an online digital experience or collaborate remotely for better business outcomes. Additionally, AWS’ feature set supporting application development, analytics, and messaging (among others) lends more business value at scale.

In the end, enterprise content management and the cloud save the day, revitalizing the craving for the organization, and providing better insights into the available content. With lower costs and increased agility, leaders can focus on inspiring their employees to drive revenue and serve customers.

Spring has sprung indeed.

Learn More

Are you looking to get a hand on your organization’s content management needs? See how you can benefit from Amazon Web Services, Alfresco, and Perficient’s expertise today by emailing us at and downloading our guide, Transforming Your Enterprise with Hybrid Cloud.

Learn more about our Amazon Web Services practice here.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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