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Posts Tagged ‘Translational Medicine’

Penn Medicine Is Building A Precision Medicine Powerhouse

  In a recent interview with Penn Medicine’s associate vice president of health technology and academic computing, Brian Wells, and chief data scientist, Michael Draugelis, Healthcare Informatics’ David Raths was able to glean great insight into how the organization is leveraging IT to support their patient care, clinical trials, and precision medicine efforts. 

Personalized Medicine In A Nutshell (Or Shall I Say Capsule?)

I recently heard a segment on the radio about personalized medicine. Or “translational medicine.” Or “translational research.” Or “precision medicine.” Whatever you want to call it! Dr. Murray Feingold, a pediatrician and geneticist in the Boston area, painted a clear description of the term. He put it in words that all of us can understand. […]

Big Data, Big Data, What Can You Help Hospitals See?

While big data is a catchy buzzword and many race to offer their own definition of it, many still struggle to understand what it really means and question its real value. According to a recent survey conducted by Talend, only 10% of respondents were engaged in a large scale big data implementation project, while 36% […]

Upcoming Webinar: Combine Data to Enable Translational Medicine

The success of translational medicine is in the data and the ability to combine multiple sources of data to enable better patient care and outcomes. Unfortunately most academic research organizations (ARO) and hospitals have multiple systems that house data creating an inability to mine through the data to identify clinical insights, disease patterns or treatment […]