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Digital Transformation

Employee Engagement Isn’t Getting Better, Here’s Why

Linkedin Pulse had a great article on a recent Gallup Survey showing employee engagement improving by 2% over the past three years. Here’s the incredible market wide statistic: only 32.1% of employees are engaged. That means 67.9% of employees aren’t engaged.


While I cannot do the entire article justice (it’s one of the more informative articles you will read), I can highlight some key points:

  1. Low Employee Engagement has a huge impact on your bottom line. Dr. Jim Harter of Gallup said:

    “those outcomes range from basics such as absenteeism, employee retention rates, service levels and productivity; and ultimately it all adds up to about a 22 percent difference in profitability when you compare top quartile business units to the bottom quartile.”

  2. Just throwing a little money at engagement or using a survey really won’t help.
  3. A lot of perks make zero difference. Flex time is the exception
  4. A good manager makes all the difference but only 20% of the population has the capability of being a good manager.  (The article highlights why)

Now you may be asking, why I would blog about employee engagement on a digital transformation blog? The answer is simple. It’s the un-engaged employees who won’t buy into a transformation. It’s those same employees who won’t give a great experience when they interact with your customers.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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